Diversity Retriever

Design Artists: Ji Hoon Park & Penelope Gorotiza
Painter: Lisa Thompson (C/O 2013)
Location: Outside of the Commons

As Ji Hoon & Penelope explained their design:

UMBC is nationally and internationally known for its on-campus diversity. Students, faculty, and staff represent hundreds of states and nations from around the globe, all within the two mile circle which encapsulates our campus in Catonsville, Maryland.  Although it seems unlikely for a suburban campus, UMBC hosts many students who represent different cultures, languages, religions, beliefs, and ethnicities.  UMBC’s diversity is also shown through the experiences of the people and how amazing it is that we are all different, yet identify Retrievers.  The Commons on campus helps to show this diversity by hanging all the flags of the states and nations represented by students at UMBC.  In our design, we chose to have a few of these major flags represented to demonstrate the diversity at our university.  The flags of the U.S., Mexico, Ghana, Ireland, and China represent some of the major regions of the world from where Retrievers come in order to create the unique culture of UMBC.  To be a Retriever means that we accept and welcome diversity.





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